Sunday, December 29, 2019

Hacking Is The Responsibility Of The Computer System

The argument between two hackers who say that it is the responsibility of the owners of the computer system to provide adequate security to keep hackers at bay are completely wrong. Neither their argument nor their perspective holds ground. Before we look into the reasons behind why they are wrong, it is important to first comprehend in detail about hacking and hackers. So what is hacking? The term hacking was first promoted by the famous MIT between 1950s and 1960s. It all started as a fun experiment in a lab, but it led to something completely different today. Hacking is a term used to describe unauthorized, illegal intrusion into a network of connected systems or just an individual system. It is a technical effort or a process that is used to exploit the vulnerabilities of a system or connected systems to gain unauthorized access. Today it is synonymous with malicious activity on the web. The act of hacking is carried out by powerful and highly skilled programmers known as hackers who possess advanced knowledge about the systems. They do it because they are confident about their skills and succeeding in their hacking attempts. These proficient individuals are extremely inquisitive who are in pursuit of private information that is not publicly available. Accessing confidential or private information is just one small part of hacking. They are capable of controlling, modifying and denying the system from any kind of connections or cripple the system entirely bringing itShow MoreRelatedComputer Memory Hacking Essay835 Words   |  4 PagesComputer  Memory  Hacking                      Computer  Memory  Hacking   Rebecca  M.  Shepherd   CIS  106  Intoduction  to  Information  Technology   Professor  Dima  Salman   Stayer  University  Ã‚   November  23,  2014                                 Computer  Memory  Hacking    Hacking  of  memory  or  hacking  of  RAM  describes  when  a  person  or  person(s)  gains   unauthorized  access  to  the  RAM  (random  access  memory)  of  a  computer  system.  There  a  couple   of  reasons  that  one  might  participate  in  hacking  the  memory  of  a  computer  system.  One  reason  Read MoreCybercrime And Internet Hacking And Its Effect On The Security Of The Internet1386 Words   |  6 Pagesinternet hacking has been an ongoing issue in contemporary life. â€Å"Internet hacking is the practice of modifying or altering computer software and hardware to accomplish a goal considered to be outside of the creator’s original objective.† (Merriam-Webster). Any individual, business, or even government with a computer is not safe from these computer criminals. So, the main question is: How do we fix this cybercrime that does millions of dollars in damage, and should we implement â€Å"ethical hacking† to improveRead MorePros And Cons Of Computer Hacking1324 Words   |  6 PagesMany organizations within the computer and technology industry may face pros and cons in the area of computer hacking. According to Small Business Chron, independent firms specializing in hacking prevention software or network development stand to benefit tremendously as the impact of hacking spreads throughout the world. (SmallBusiness, 2017) Small businesses in the industry tend to expand their operations if the company is successful in obtaining and remaining constant with a client base. HoweverRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society1410 Words   |  6 Pageseducated and very familiar with technology. â€Å"Power and ethics have always had a close relationship, and as the old saying goes, Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This means that people have a responsibility to use their power wisely and ethically. The power created by computers is no different from any other type of power, as it also has a profound effect on ethics† (Bowles, 2013). There’s a variety of ways that technology can be misused, from piracy to identity theft. It’s unfortunateRead MoreHacking And Its Effect On Human Behavior Essay1608 Words   |  7 PagesHacking in computer networking is the desire to manipulate the normal behaviour of a network connection or a connected system, a hacker is the person who is instigating the hack. In today’s society, we generally refer to any malicious programming attack over the internet or a network to be hacking. Hacking originated between the 1950s and 60s by M.I.T engineers, they originally were meant for learning and experiment purposes and usually took place at the ‘model train club’. However, these attacksRead MoreEthical Ethics And Ethical Hacking968 Words   |  4 Pagesdevelopments and issues that have arisen in regards to the internet. One development and issue is ethical hacking. To understand ethical hacking one must be able to define what it means to be a hacker. â€Å"A hacker is an individual who intends to gain unauthorized access to a computer system† (Laudon Traver, 2015). Oxford Dictiona ries defines an ethical hacker as â€Å"a person who hacks into a computer network in order to test or evaluate its security, rather than with malicious or criminal intent† (EthicalRead MoreHacking In the Business Society Essay1180 Words   |  5 PagesHacking In the Business Society From history we can observer that human society is easily influenced, and often mislead. There is a near endless amount of examples for this, ranging from the Suicidal Sect leaders (David Koresh ), to mad dictators, with aspirations of taking over the world. This human susceptibility of being easily mislead, is clearly apparent when dealing with the issue of Hacking, and HackingRead MoreEssay about The Impact of Computer Technology1664 Words   |  7 Pagesimpact of computer technology 1 Running Head: The impact of computer technology Life learning assignment for CIT 312 In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree By Matthew Dotson Professor: Daniel Mays Cohort 19 July 22, 2008 The impact of computer technology 2 Has computer technology enhanced our society or has it crippled our ability to function ethically? Computer technologyRead MoreEthical Hacking : Saving Our Future Essay1309 Words   |  6 PagesEthical Hacking: Saving Our Future When most people think of a hacker they think of a person trying to break into a computer system to steal information or commit cyber vandalism. While this is a form of hacking, a better definition of a hacker can be found in the Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms saying that â€Å"a person who programs, computers for recreation or as a hobby.† Hacking is becoming more and more common in the world of today because the information has become more accessible throughRead MoreEssay On Ddos Attacks767 Words   |  4 Pagesbusiness, to large corporations, all the way to a large government or military. Why are these hackers successful? Lets assume a hacker was successful in distributing a malicious software to users. The hacker can utilize possibly thousands of users computers to send thousands of requests each within milliseconds completely overwhelming a server and rendering it useless to the point of shutdown. Now Youre losing money necessary to support your company and family, Or another approach would be to use this

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Biography of Christopher Bruce - 2260 Words

Biography of Christopher Bruce Christopher Bruce was born on the 3rd of October 1945 in England, he started studying dancing at 11 years old, and he began with tap and ballet. After studying at the Rambert School Christopher Bruce joined Rambert Ballet in 1963, where he quickly became the leading male dancer. Bruce appeared in works such as Don Quixote in 1964 and Coppelia in 1966. Then the company began to experiment with ballet and modern, combining them to form, specifically the Martha Graham technique. (Martha Graham created 181 ballets and a dance technique that has been compared to ballet in its scope and magnitude. Many of the great modern and ballet choreographers have studied the Martha Graham Technique or have been members of†¦show more content†¦However, it is the representation of the oppression of ordinary people, symbolised by the sinister ghost figures, which give the work much of its resonance. On the evidence of ghost dances, swansong, and cruel garden (about the death of Lorca at the hands of the fascists in Spain), human rights themes have provided him with a strong source of inspiration. He remains a passionate advocate for the role of dance and the arts in society and believes that seeing good work and the chance to perform, either as an amateur or a professional, an not only enrich lives, but can also be civilising influence. Ghost dances It was created in 1981, and was influenced by the political oppression in Chile. The style was contemporary ballet blended with South American folk dance. The setting of Ghost Dances is a rocky Andean location suggesting the mouth of a cave. The colours (blues, greens and greys) of the backdrop were very effective and complimented the costumes and movement by adding to the eerie atmosphere. The whole stage was lit by a dim white light. The dead wear everyday clothes, which are beginning to disintegrate. The Ghost Dancers appear as skeletal figures in striking skull masks. The piece is accompanied by Andiean folk music, with panpipes, guitars, and flutes. The tune is infectious, rhythmic and tuneful. The style of the choreography is sinuous and graceful, incorporatingShow MoreRelatedWhy Are You So Picky About Buprenorphine?772 Words   |  4 PagesBooks †¢ How to Raise a Drug Free Kid, Joseph A. Califano Jr., 2014, Simon and Schuster †¢ Moments of Clarity, Christopher Lawford, 2009, HarperCollins Publishers †¢ They Can t Be Loved Into Sobriety: A Father s Guide for Parents of Teens and Young Adults with Substance Use Disorders, Luis Velarde, PhD, 2014 ( †¢ Jack Bruce, Composing Himself: The Authorised Biography, Harry Shapiro, 2010, Jawbone Press †¢ This Force of Memory: A Surgeon s Story of Addiction, Noah Paine, MD,Read MoreChristopher Columbus : American History2223 Words   |  9 PagesPetros Koumis Bruce T. 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In 1990, Disney established Disney Press, which published children s books, and in 1991, the company launched Hyperion Books, an adult publishing label that printed, among others, Ross Perot’s biography. Disney also established new channels of distribution through direct mail and catalog marketing. In its theme parks division, Disney’s major project was Euro Disney, which opened in 1992 on 4,800 acres outside Paris. Disney believed the park wouldRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesTarim: Genealogy and Mobility across the Indian Ocean (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006). 32. David Long, The Hajj Today: A Survey of Contemporary Makkah Pilgrimage (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1979), 127; Michael Christopher Low, â€Å"Empire of the Hajj: Pilgrims, Plagues, and Pan-Islam under British Surveillance, 1865–1926† (M.A. thesis, Georgia State University, 2007), 79. 33. J. William Leasure and Robert A. Lewis, â€Å"Internal Migration in Russia in the Late NineteenthRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesto ideas that are developed within the chapter. The chapter so far These are provided at key points in the chapter. They provide the reader with a summary of the issues that have been covered in the chapter and a link with the next part. Biography These are designed to provide a brief intellectual history of key figures in organization theory. They provide an indication of the ways in which different theorists . xvi Preface developed their understanding of organization and social

Friday, December 13, 2019

Mapping an Argument Free Essays

Mapping an Argument Kimberly Williams CRT/205 11/11/2012 University of Phoenix Mapping an Argument What is the Issue? I have decided to read about the Traditional newspapers are becoming extinct. The issue with this is the cost of the newspapers going up and how the Internet is taking over the place of the newspaper. People are now depending on the Internet for their sources instead of the newspapers. We will write a custom essay sample on Mapping an Argument or any similar topic only for you Order Now The competition-deflecting effects of printing cost got destroyed by the Internet. The newspaper people often note that newspapers benefit society as a whole, but it is getting so expensive to keep newspapers running. The imperatives to strengthen journalism and to strengthen newspapers have been so tightly wound as to be indistinguishable. They are trying to find ways to strengthen the ways of newspapers. â€Å"Save newspapers† to â€Å"save society† is the big issue of this article. The other issue is to keep the newspapers from becoming extinct. The other article that I read about was the Veterans Administration health care not being readily available in rural areas. The issues of this article were the increased efforts to improve the care that is available for rural veterans. Also anther issue for the veterans was the long distances it is a huge problem for most of them. Long distances and restrictive rules have become an issue for the veterans and they have also become very obstacles to health care for many of them. Rural veterans have other problems with this also. The health care needs of rural veterans and managing the money for expanding care. In addition, oversight of rural health care programs was ineffective. There are so many issues with their heath care needs they are trying to fix them. What are the stated and unstated premises? The stated and unstated premises for Traditional Newspapers Are Becoming Extinct are that the newspaper industry has been fighting for its life since the beginning of the digital age, and also journalism will survive without newspapers. Strategizing to survive the on Internet was also one of the stated premises for this article and the unstated premise for this was that they never really stated how they were going to fight and keep the newspapers going in a way that the papers can still be running and people can still use the Internet for sources also. The stated premises for the Veterans Administration Health Care is that the VA has increased efforts to improve the care that is available for rural veterans. Long distances are a problem for many veterans is a stated premise that was in the article, and also veterans had to fight very hard to get every dollar that they could. Suicides among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have reached record levels because of the heath care and the long distance that have caused problems for them. The unstated premises that weren’t listed that I could find was why most of the veterans did not feel that they had to enroll in a health care plan. What was the reason that they never wanted to enroll and what could the VA have done to help the veterans want to enroll in the heath care plan, what type of jobs did they do to help those that had problems with the long distance? These are some unstated premise that I feel should have been put into the article. What is the conclusion? The conclusion on the Traditional Newspapers Are Becoming Extinct is a plan and a strategy to survive the Internet, and trying to figure out how they can use the newspaper and the Internet without having to stop the use of one of them. They needed a plan how to deal with the Internet. A way for the newspaper to grow unsteady of shirking how to improve the newspaper in away the public would enjoy its use and continue to want to read it unsteady of using the internet. And a way to keep it up and running because the newspaper is coming so expensive to keep it up and running also way to have respected for people when written about a person in the newspaper. The conclusion on the Veterans Administration Health Care is that the VA needs to find a way to make the veterans want to and enjoy the ability to have VA health care. Furthermore, the VA needs to find A way to make health care available for all of the veterans to have it, and afford the heath care. The VA needs to have rules for veterans heath care so the distance that the veterans live from the nearest facility shouldn’t be a problem. Improving the health care for the veterans is the conclusion for this article. They need to find a way that health care can be provided for all of our veterans because they deserve it. To ensure veterans receive the health care and benefits they have earned. To make a way for the veterans to be seen by out-of-network doctor if the same care is available within the system even if it’s more convenient for them there should be away for them to see what every doctor is available for them at the present time. They need to improve the health care for the veterans. Content and Development 35 Points| Points Earned33/35| | Additional Comments:| All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. * 350 to 700 words * Examines 2 articles from Opposing Viewpoints in Context * Provides substantive explanations to the following questions: * What is the issue? What are the stated and unstated premises? * What is the conclusion? | Paper addresses two of the assigned articles in a contemplative manner. The paper identifies the issue, premises, and conclusion in an adequate way. Although most points are clear, a few are vague. See notes above. | The content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. | | Major points are stated cle arly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically. | | | | Readability and Style 10 Points| Points Earned6/10| | Additional Comments:| The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. | Tone is informative. The writing in this paper has several issues: wordiness, fragments (incomplete sentences), and vagueness. I’ve highlighted several examples above and suggested revisions. | Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. | | Sentences are well constructed, strong, and varied. | | Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. | | | | Mechanics 5 Points| Points Earned3/5| | Additional Comments:| The assignment—including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page— is consistent with Associate Level Writing Style Handbook formatting guidelines and meets course-level requirements. Layout is effective and aids readability. Several mechanical corrections are noted. Citations and references have not been included. It is essential to cite and reference non-original sources correctly. Refer to the formatting guidelines in the Associate Level Writing Style Handbook. | Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a referenc e page. | | Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. | | Spelling is correct. | | Late Penalty – 10% per day up to 2 days| | Total 50 Points| Total Earned42/50| Overall Comments:Hi Kimberly,Thank you so much for turning in this assignment. You have offered a competent mapping of the articles. You have generally identified the issues, premises, and conclusions and offered a substantive explanation for each. Your post is addresses all points in the assignment. Better organization of the writing would have strengthened the paper. Several mechanical and formatting changes are present. See comments above and in the text for specifics. Good work on this assignment! I hope this assignment has helped you clarify concepts relating to analyzing arguments to identify the issues, premises, and conclusions. | How to cite Mapping an Argument, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Book Report of Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools free essay sample

A Book Report of: Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in Americas Classrooms Abstract This paper is intended to explore and report upon the topics posited by Tyrone C. Howard in his book, Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in Americas Classrooms. Closely examining each and every chapter as they come and how the structure of this book gives a detailed framework and guidance system for novice and experienced teachers to take their pedagogical skills to more diverse and multicultural levels. Also, this paper will review a few lessons or rojects that can be adapted and used within my personal educational institute in order to create and ameliorate a diverse community of learners. Quoting the author and his sources frequently provides a framework for understanding the context and rich content of a fairly complex notion that the author presented with panache and gravitas. We will write a custom essay sample on A Book Report of: Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Finishing the book written in 2010, Why Race and Culture Matter In Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in Americas Classrooms by Tyrone C. Howard has revealed a plethora of scholarship aimed at researching, studying and reflecting upon the ethodologies needed, used and proven for closing the achievement gap. This book is one of several in a Multicultural Education Series that has been compiled by Editor James A. Banks. When I opened the book I was impressed by the long list of multicultural books that are available to read and study. I intend on exploring, researching and writing scholarly papers that evaluate responses to interventions that can be deployed to help bridge the achievement gap amongst my multicultural and diverse student population. The list that accompanies this book will be a great lace to find original research that can supplement, augment and improve my research endeavors. The series list contains over 36 titles by several of the authors that Howard refers to throughout the course of the book. Granted one could scour the references that Howard (2010) included in the references section of the book in an effort to find further multicultural disseminations of valid and valuable information, but the list at the front of the book adds an extra dynamic of ease (p. 151-173). Introduction and Chapter One According to Howard (2010) this book was created in response to a very serious issue n education that has scholars, teachers, parents, communities, administration, school districts and state and federal education regulatory bodies perplexed the achievement gap (p. l). Howard (2010) describes the achievement gap as such: This moniker is used often to refer to the discrepancy in educational outcomes and access between various student groups in the United State, in particular African American, Native American, certain Asian American, and Latino students on the low end of the performance scale, and their White and certain Asian American counterparts at the higher end of the performance scale. p. 1) Howard (2010) uses the introduction to set the stage for the difficult and at times complex theories and concepts that he posits throughout the book. Quickly in the introduction Howard (2010) attacks the primary causal explanations of why an achievement gap even exits in a section called Socioeconomic Status and School Performance (p. 2). Most persons believe that the achievement gap is a result of socioeconomic status and not related to race or culture. However, Howard (2010) is quick to point out early in his book that even White and certain Asian counterparts (p. 4). This is important to point out because it will dispel any myths that have been tied to socioeconomics and the achievement gap.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Physical Cognitive Development of Adolescence free essay sample

Daniel Offer – healthy self images of adolescents were displayed * Personal experience + medial portrayals = public attitudes * Acting out and boundary testing are an adolescent’s way of accepting rather than rejecting parents’ values * Life course is influenced by ethnic, cultural, gender, socioeconomic age, and lifestyle differences Physical Changes . Puberty * Period of rapid physical maturation * Hormonal and bodily changes in early adolescence * Ends long before adolescence does * Signs of sexual maturation and increase in height and weight 2. Sexual maturation, height and weight * Male pubertal changes * Increase in penis and testicle size, straight pubic hair, minor voice change, first ejaculation (masturbation), kinky * Pubic hair, maximum growth in height and weight, armpit hair growth, detectable voice changes, facial hair growth * Female pubertal changes Enlarged breasts, pubic hair, armpit hair, increase in height, wider hips than shoulders, no voice change * Menarche – first menstruation (late in pubertal cycle) * May be irregular and not ovulate until after a year or two * Breasts are rounder * Weight * Girls overweight boys until age 14 when boys surpass them * Height * Girls are the same height until middle school years * Growth spurt (beginning) – girls: 9; boys: 11 * Growth spurt (peak) – girls: 11 ? ; boys: 13 ? * Increase in height – girls: 3 ? ; boys: 4 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Cognitive Development of Adolescence or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hormonal changes Hormones – powerful chemical substances secreted by the endocrine gland via bloodstream * Testosterone – development of genitals, height and a change in voice * Estradiol – breast, uterine, and skeletal development * Hormone-behavior link is complex 4. Timing and variations in puberty * Pubertal sequences * Boys: 10-13 ? until 13-17 * Girls: 9-15 * Precocious puberty – very early and onset of puberty * Before 8 years (girls) and before 9 years (boys) * 10 times more in girls * Treated by medically suppressive gonadotropic secretions * Short stature, early sexual capability, and engaging in age-inappropriate behavior . Body image * Preoccupied with bodies – especially in early adolescents (dissatisfaction) * Gender differences * Girls: less happy and have more negative body images – body fat increases * Boys: more happy – muscle mass increases 6. Early and late maturation * Boys * Early: self-views are positive; successful peer relations * Late: (at 30) stronger sense of identity * Girls * Early: greater satisfaction with figures; more age-inappropriate behavior * Late: (10th grade) are more satisfied than early-maturing girls; taller and thinner The Brain * Connections that are used are strengthened while those are not are replaced by other pathways – â€Å"pruning† * Fewer, more selective effective neuronal connections * Activities of the adolescent affects the neural connections to be strengthened or destroyed * Corpus callosum (fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres) thickens – improves ability to process information * Prefrontal cortex (highest level of frontal lobes) – ends 18-25 years of age * Amygdala (seat of emotions) matures earlier ADOLESCENT SEXUALITY 1. Developing a sexual identity * Learning to manage sexual feelings and skills to regulate sexual behavior to avoid undesirable consequences * Sexual identity – physical, social and cultural factors * Activities, interests, styles of behaviors, orientation * Recognition of sexual orientation (mid-late adolescence) 2. Risk factors in adolescent sexual behavior Still not emotionally prepared to handle sexual experiences * Linked with: drug use, delinquency, and school related problems * Factors: alcohol use, early menarche, poor parent-child communication, socioeconomic status, low level of parent monitoring, peers * Prevention: better academic achievement, maternal communication 3. Contraceptive use * Risks: unwanted pregnancy and STDs – prevented with contraceptives * Increase contraceptive use but many still do not use/ inconsistent use 4. Sexually transmitted infections Contracted through sexual contact – oral-genital and anal-genital * Go norrhea and chlamydia 5. Adolescent pregnancy * Perpetual intergenerational cycle – daughters of teenage mothers were 66% more likely to become teenage mothers themselves * Outcomes * Health risks: low birth weights, neurological and childhood illness * Mothers drop out of school, never catch up economically with women who postpone childbearing, come from SES backgrounds, low achievement * Benefits: age-appropriate family-life education (life skills) ISSUES IN ADOLESCENT HEALTH Adolescent Health 1. Nutrition and exercise * Living on fast food meals contributes to high fat levels * Individuals become less active – risk of depression, drug use * Television, computers * Good eating habits: regular family meals * Regular exercise (9-16 years) has a positive effect on the weight status, reduced triglyceride levels, lower blood pressure, and lower risk of type 2 diabetes, 2. Sleep patterns Older adolescents get inadequate sleep (less than 8 hours) than younger adolescents * More tired, cranky, sleepy, and irritable * Sleeps in class, be in depressive mood, drink caffeinated drinks * Not due to work or social pressures – biological clock undergoes a shift (pineal gland and melatonin) * Sleep deficit: making up for loss sleep in the weekends * Average of 9 hours and 25 mins (if given the chance) 3. Leading causes of death in adolescence * Accidents, homicides, suicides 15-24 years of age: unintentional injuries – mot or vehicle accidents * Risky driving habits and DUI of alcohol or drugs Substance Use and Abuse – alcohol, cigarette, drugs 1. The roles of development, parents, peers and education * 8-42 years: early onset of drinking is linked to binge-drinking in middle age * Parental monitoring, eating dinner with family, more peers, educational success Eating Disorders 1. Anorexia nervosa – eating disorder involving relentless pursuit of thinness through starvation * Can lead to death Weight less than 85% of BMI, intense fear of gaining weight, distorted image of their body shape * Never feel thin enough – weight self frequently: taking body measurements and looking critically self in the mirror * Early-middle adolescent after dieting and type of life stress * 10 x in females than males * Distorted body images, family conflict * Set high standards, stressed if not met and have insecurity issues * Turn to something they can control: weight * Factors: media, family, genetics * Treatment: family therapy 2. Bulimia nervosa – individual consistently follows a binge-purge pattern (using laxative/ self-induced vomiting) * Twice a week for three months * Pre-occupied with food, strong fear of being overweight, depressed/ anxious, have a distorted body images * Difficult to detect * Factors: being overweight before, dieting * Late adolescent-early adulthood ADOLESCENT COGNITION Piaget’s Theory 1. Formal operational stage * More abstract * Not limited to actual, concrete experiences for thought * Make believe situations, abstract propositions and events, purely hypothetical, logical reasoning * Verbal problem solving activity Logical inferences can be solved through verbal presentation * Increased tendency to think about thought itself * Enhanced focus on thought and its abstract qualities * Idealistic thoughts * Extended speculation of ideal characteristics – qualities they desire, social comparisons * Thoughts are fantasy flights into future possibilities * Logical thou ghts * Hypothetical-deductive reasoning – creating a hypothesis and deducing its implications * Steps, trial and error, devising plans 2. Adolescent egocentrism – heightened self-consciousness * Elkind: (2) key components ) Imaginary audience – belief that others are as interested in them 2) Personal fable – sense of uniqueness and invulnerability 3. Information processing * Kuhn: Executive functioning – higher order cognitive activities * More effective learning * Variation in cognitive functioning 4. Decision making – which friends to choose, which person to date, etc * Generate different options, examine a situation, anticipate consequences, consider the credibility of sources * Emotions play a role in decision making * Social context – substances and temptations are available * Dual process model Decision making is influenced by two cognitive systems: 1) Analytical 2) Experiential – monitoring and managing actual experiences 5. Critical thinking – mature when fundamental skills have developed SCHOOLS The Transition to Middle or Junior High School * Top dog phenomenon – moving from oldest amp; most powerful to being the youngest and least powerful * Less stressful with positive relationships with peers, more committed to school, have team-oriented schools * Feel more grown up, have more subjects to select, have more opportunities with peers, enjoy independence High School Higher expectations and better supp ort * Effective programs to discourage drop-outs: early reading programs, tutoring, counseling, and mentoring * Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: keep students at risk with the same teachers throughout their high school years * Programs: I have a Dream (IHAD) – comprehensive dropout prevention program Extracurricular Activities * Wide array of activities – after school hours sponsored by the school/ community * Promotes positive adolescent development – competent, supportive adult mentors, opportunities for increasing school connectedness, etc Service Learning * Form of education that promotes social responsibility and service to the community * Tutoring, helping older adults, working in a hospital, etc * Adolescents become less self-centered, more motivated to help others * Education out in the community * Effects: Higher grades in academics, increased goal setting, higher self-esteem, improved sense of being able to make a difference for others Socioemotional Development in Adolescence SELF, IDENTITY, AND RELIGIOUS SPRITUAL DEVELOPMENT Self Esteem * Self-esteem – overall way we evaluate ourselves Drops in adolescence – negative body images in girls * Lack of self-esteem: poorer mental and physical health, worse economic prospects, higher levels of criminal behavior * Perceptions do not always match reality * Justified perceptions of one’s worth and successes * Indicate arrogance, grandiose,, unwanted sense of superiority * Low self esteem: Insecurity and inferiority * Narcissism – excessively self centered and self concerned approach towards others * Unaware of actual self and how they are perceived * Contributes to adjustment problems Identity 1. What is an identity? Self-portrait of oneself including vocational, political, religious, relationship, intellectual, sexual, cultural, interests, personality and physical identity * Development is gradual, not neat 2. Erikson’s view * First to correlate identity to adolescent development * Identity versus identity confusion – deciding who they are, what they are, and where they are going life * Psychosocial moratorium – gap between childhood security and adult autonomy * Free of responsibilities and free to try out different identities * Experiment with different roles and personalities Identity confusion – withdrawal, isolation, or immersion (into the crowd) 3. Developmental changes * James Marcia – four statuses of identity or ways to resolve identity crisis * Crisis – exploring alternatives * Commitment – personal investment in identity * Four statuses of identity: 1) Identity diffusio n – neither experienced a crisis nor made any commitments * Undecided about choices, no direction 2) Identity foreclosure – already made a commitment but have not experienced a crisis * Parents dictate future ) Identity moratorium – midst of a crisis but commitments are either absent or vaguely defined * Know what they want, no idea how to attain * No means of attaining 4) Identity achievement – undergone a crisis and made a commitment 4. Emerging adulthood and beyond * Emerging adulthood: 18-25 years old * Develop â€Å"MAMA† cycles – identity status changes from moratorium to achievement to moratorium to achievement * College produce key changes in identity – new experiences between the home, peers, school 5. Ethnic identity – enduring aspect of the self; sense of membership along with attitudes, feelings * Bicultural identity – identify in some ways with their ethnic group and in other ways with the majority culture Religious and Spiritual Development 1. Religion and identity development * Logical questioning regarding religion 2. Cognitive development and religion in adolescence * Piaget’s theory influences religion development * Think more abstractly, idealistically, logically – ability to develop hypotheses and systematically sort through answers regarding spirituality 3. The positive role of religion in adolescent’s life * Adopt religion’s message about caring and concern for people * Positive outcomes – less likely to smoke, do drugs, and drink FAMILIES Autonomy and Attachment 1. The push for autonomy * To show who is responsible for successes and failures * Predicts how strong an adolescent’s desires are * Acquired through appropriate adult reactions to their desire for control * Parent relinquishes control but guides the adolescent to make reasonable decisions * Gradually acquire the ability to make mature decisions 2. The role of attachment Securely attached at 14 years are more likely to stay in an exclusive relationship with intimacy, has financial independence (21 years) 3. Balancing freedom and control * Staying connected with families – having dinner five or more days a week Parent-Adolescent Conflict * Escalates in early adolescence until high school years * Lessens at 17-20 years * Positive developmental function – minor disputes and negotiations facilitate adolescent’s transition from being dependent on their parents to become an autonomous individual PEERS Friendships * Important in meeting social needs No close friendships, experience loneliness and reduce sense of self-worth * Early adolescence – need of intimacy * Dependent more on friends than families (companionship, reassurance of worth, and intimacy) * Gossips – negative comments about others * Relational aggression – spreading disparaging rumors to harm someone Peer Groups 1. Peer pressure – young adolescents conform more to peer standards 2. Cliques and crowds * Cliques – small groups (2-12 individuals), same-sex, about the same age * Crowds – larger than cliques and less personal; based on reputation Dating and Romantic Relationships (Conolly and McIsaac) – development of romantic relationship in adolescence 1. Romantic attractions and affiliations (11-13) – triggered by puberty; intensely interested in romance, may conversations with same-sex friends 2. Exploring romantic relationships (14-16) – Casual (individuals mutually attracted) and Dating in groups (peer context, friends often as a third-party) 3. Consolidating dyadic romantic bonds (17-19) – more serious romantic relationships develop; strong, stable and enduring emotional bonds (1 or more years) Dating in gay and lesbian youth To clarify their sexual orientation or disguise it from others * Have had same-sex sexual experiences – â€Å"experimenting† ADOLESCENT PROBLEMS Juvenile Delinquency – adolescent who breaks the law or engages in behavior that is considered illegal Interrelation of Problems and Successful Prevention and Intervention Programs 1. Intensive individualiz ed attention – high risk adolescent is paired with a responsible adult, who gives him attention and addresses specific needs 2. Community wide multiagency collaborative approaches – 3. Early identification and intervention

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Units of Time in Spanish

Units of Time in Spanish Need to know how to refer to a particular unit of time? Here are the most common ones in Spanish, listed from the shortest period of time to the longest: el nanosegundo - nanosecond el microsegundo - microsecond el milisegundo - millisecond el segundo - second el minuto - minute la hora - hour el dà ­a - day la semana, el septenario - week la quincena - fortnight, two weeks (The term sometimes refers to a 15-day period or a half-month.) el mes - month el semestre - six months, half-year (The term can also refer to an academic semester.) el aà ±o - year el lustro - five years el decenio, la dà ©cada - 10 years, decade el siglo - century el milenio - millennium el cron - million years el eà ³n - thousand million years, billion years in U.S. English (The term also can refer to an indefinitely long period of time.) In addition, Spanish has a number of units of time that are seldom used, or are used in specific contexts. For example, bimestre and trimestre, are two-month and three-month periods, respectively, with similar month groupings possible. Similarly, bienio and septenio are two- and seven-year periods of time, respectively, with other groupings possible.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Documentary Expression and Thirties America Essay - 1

Documentary Expression and Thirties America - Essay Example The distinction between art and photography and whether or not documentary expression owed its genesis from fiction or non-fiction was also explored. Finally the matter of ethics in the treatment and presentation of documentary imagery was discussed. William Stott in his book Documentary Expression and Thirties America covers an enormous range of topics and much of it is in a highly discursive and rambling style. However, it is possible to subdivide it into four principal themes: Documentary, The Documentary Motive and the Thirties, The Documentary Nonfiction of the Thirties, and Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. First of all it is necessary to understand what he means by the documentary style. In its simplest form there are two possibilities: â€Å"an honest and reasonably objective report, or a case for the prosecution† (Stott, 1986). The second may be discarded, and we are left with two further forms: a factual, objective account which is left largely unedited, and therefore acquires the effect of being regarded as â€Å"official†, and secondly an account which is not necessarily objective but deals with human issues. An example of the latter is Sargeant’s account of his struggle with mental illness. Another branch of documentary expression is to be found in social documentary, which may be said to increase the knowledge of public facts while â€Å"sharpening it with feeling (Stott, 1986) and keeping in touch with human feelings and emotion. It was also held that such a documentary style did not rely upon information so much as â€Å"the power to move.† Stott suggests that while the purpose is to encourage social improvement – public education at its most altruistic – reality is more cynical in that its real purpose is to shape attitudes towards certain public facts. An example of this type of â€Å"exposà © journalism’ is to use a public figure or authority’s quotation to mean something else. For example,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Consulting critical path analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Consulting critical path analysis - Case Study Example duce products that are innovative in the real sense which is wasting a lot of resources and time of the company, therefore this should also be looked at and the company should come up with a better plan of where and how to invest the capital. All these steps are vital to be carried out in an order so that the company can benefit from them. The first step towards coming up with an optimal solution would be to find a common ground for both the technical and sales team. This has to be done in order to work collaboratively with more resources to help solve the case. The technical and the sales team might seem an odd couple, but these days a product’s success depend upon the cooperation, ability, and willingness of the teams involved in it. Despite the differences between the technical and sales team, they are more linked then they actually think. In order to achieve success for themselves it is important that they work together for the success of the product, or a strategy in this case, from product launch concept to its implementation both of the teams’ efforts are required. Therefore, it is important that this not so odd couple be realized that there is only one way to conquer their common goal; to work together. Once both the teams realize the common ground between them, the strategy formulation stage wou ld be made easy and highly productive. (Kelly, 2002) The second stage that needs to be undertaken is the research stage. The case presented states that there has not been enough research done on the following issue, and without much analysis the consultants have highlighted the high volume of the products as the main reason for the decline in sales. Therefore, it is important to be sure of the issue and do additional research for that matter. In the research stage, the research teams carry out a consumer survey to find out their preferences and come forward with solid results supported by genuine facts and figures. If still the result is the same then the next

Monday, November 18, 2019

Was the conflict that took place in Finland during 1918 a war of Essay

Was the conflict that took place in Finland during 1918 a war of independence or a civil war - Essay Example The movement has become known to be a civil disobedience movement launched by the citizens of Finland but on the other hand some people deny calling it a civil disobedience movement but rather call it a war of independence fought by the citizens of Finland. Different events led to the war fought between the citizens of Finland and these shall be analyzed in this essay. The citizens of Finland were divided into the Democrats (Reds) and Conservatives (Whites) and they both fought with each other to retain power of the state. All this happened in the year 1918 when Russia itself became affected by the World War One. World War I is known to play a significant role in the independence of Finland. In my view 1918 was a year in which civil disobedience movement was launched by the two factions which ultimately led to the independence of the state. In other words the movement started as a civil disobedience movement but turned out to be a war of independence because of the events that took p lace in the World War I (Arter 1999; Jussila et al 1999; Alapuro 1998; Jutikkala et al 2003). Start of the Conflict The Civil war in Grand Duchy started in the 1918 but it could always be expected after the growing tensions between Russia and Germany in 1914. Finland had been a source of raw material, weapons and army and it was the interest of both the states from the very beginning. The German empire always had a keen interest in the state of Finland as it provided a path for entering Russia. In the nineteenth century the relations between the Finnish and Russians were quite peaceful because of which there were no conflicts in between them. However after 1899, Russia began the process of Russification in which they integrated the Russian language in all the schools of Finland and tried to enhance their military power on the Grand Duchy. This was considered as the beginning of the oppression in Finland. The relationships between Russia and Finland were thereafter not peaceful as th ey used to be. The problems were further aggravated when the Tsar of Finland Nicholas II carried out the activities of Russification in throughout the beginning of the 20th century. His policies were not famous amongst the working class people of Finland and many workers were opposing his activities. Nicholas II made the parliament a mere advisor and snatched away all the powers from the Parliament. Hence it was Nicholas II who was to decide everything on the issues of Finland. This led to the famous revolutions known as February Revolution and the October Revolution (Alapuro 1988; Jussila et al 1999). February Revolution The Russification of Finland did not stop but rather a second wave of Russification started in 1908 and it did not stop until the Finns took an action. The Russian Tsars Nicholas II was removed from the parliament in 1917 to provide all the rights to the parliament which they deserved. The February Revolution took place because of the downfall of the Russian empire in 1917 following the World War I. The power of Tsar were transferred to the Russian Duma and provisional government following the revolution. The status of Finland was revived as an autonomous state as it used to be without any interference of the Russian Empire in its policies (Smith 1955; Jussila et al 1999). After revolts in Russia the power was transferred to the four main parties in Finland which were Finnish Party, Young Finnish Party, Agarian League and Swedish People’

Friday, November 15, 2019

Example Answers for Questions on Nestle Organization Resources Management

Example Answers for Questions on Nestle Organization Resources Management Corporate strategy design to achieving the goals of organization in the profitable means in this case any organization has specific corporate strategy, which help the organization to fulfill its requirement. There are some corporate strategies and human resources of Nestle firm that evaluate the critical condition that is under below. (i) Corporate Strategy of Nestle firm Value and expectation Value expectation define the value of firm in the market if the value is not judge by the higher management so it will fail to complete its goals the expectation define what happen if we will implement all the corporate strategy in the market level the expectation is the result of firm. And in the Human resources strategy the value and expectation define about the employees working condition and what is the expectation when they find out the result. The worker what expect form organization in the case of incentive and other bounces The Environment Changing environment is better for organization because the environment defines the innovation product in the market the corporate strategy is already define the environment changes in its plan. The environment for the worker or employees provide the facilities like the incentive, salary, wages and other perks if the environment is better for worker and have enough facilities so the worker will willingly to work with organization. Resources Resources is blood of organization if the organization have better resource for production like low price of raw material and long term in production so the firm will be better competing other. Resources for worker like medical expenses TADA expenses and other utilities allowance provide the better idea for worker to do more work for firm Nestle firm provide the better resources and facilities to their worker. Resources planning Is the major issue in corporate strategy it is design before starting the annual plans one the resources planning structure is define it modify with the passage of time Resource planning provide the large profit to organization. Resources planning in Human Resources strategy is how to deal with employee if the other firm provide the better incentive to their worker so the organization provide large amount of facilities to their workers. Generation of options At the level of generation of option means how to find new ideas if new thing demand new ideas so the option can solve this problems. Hiring of new employee can create the problem after the time pass because the environmental changes reduce the resources for worker so the generation of option is come front the firm in which the decision make like where is the right place of worker and where they will fit. Evaluation of option Evaluation of option in corporate strategy provide the better consideration to whole firm plans this kind of evaluation give the strength to firm that all the work is done by the planning system. If the plan is not done properly so the firm locate other option after better judgment The evaluation of option in Human resources strategies how to find out the new resources for worker if the existing option is working better then the result what will. Organization option Organization option Corporate strategy is in the case of loss circumstances then the organizing will liquidation or will merge in other firm for recover of loss. Organization option in human resource in the case of loss of organization the organization will firing the employee or suspend the work for some short period. Selection of strategy Selection of strategy in corporate process after the evaluation of option when firm design any strategy so it will implement for temporary bases so after come out the better result that it will modify other strategy and then selection the right way for firm. In human Resources system the selection of strategy can define when the existing policy in not working with the time. The human resources define the better way to communicate with worker to select the strategy. All This kind of corporate strategy focus on three option that is under below Strategy implementation Strategy implementation is after the analysis of all corporate and human strategy. Implementation how to apply all the strategies with better working environment. Strategic analysis Strategic analysis is how to evaluate the strategic goals the strategies are correctly apply with the existing goals. Strategic choice Strategic choice how to choice the strategic formulation in recent goals if the choice is according to the goals and the goals are working with the prior choice so the choice will be same if there is some problem with goals the choice will be change and new idea of strategy will apply. The major object of Nestle Corporation strategic is how to make its good image in changing environment. Corporate strategic can call the main idea or central planning of firm if the strategy is less effective to implementation in organization so it will fail main maintain its worth in market so the main point is define prior for corporate strategy. (B) Evaluate whether chosen organization has success in chosen corporate strategy and human resources strategy. Nestle has different product that provide the proper customer satisfaction because it has the unique name in all over the world the corporate strategy of Nestle provide the long term planning for better profit it also provide the market strategies. This firm is successful because of its corporate strategies. There are some specific corporate strategies that make it different form other organization and compete all the level firms the corporate strategies of Nestle is under below. Raw Materials: Raw materials is basic point of any firm it consist not only at the level of one firm if the firm has thousand of sources to collect the cheaper raw material so it will gain best profit in the market because Raw material is the basic need of firm so the Nestle firm received the raw material form efficient way and provide the better product and services to their customer in the market. Manufacturing: Manufacturing is base on the modern techniques so the imported machine and modern plant provide the best and clean product to their customer. The modern manufacturing plant gives the more quantity in minimum break down or more productivity in less time. This is the corporate strategy of Nestle firm. Distribution and sales: Distribution and sales is major problem form any firm specially the Nestle company. Nestle has the master planning to distribution of product to their customer with low time on less cost this master corporate planning is design at the start of the product distribution if the distribution will at the right place at the right time to right customer so the sale will promote rapidly. Marketing: Marketing define what is the worth of firm in the market level if the firm has complete or already create the market worth so it will less expenses to efforts. Nestle company Corporate strategy priory define the Marketing position how to target the market in what time. Services: Services is more vital for all product if the company has low service but the product is well so the market will destroy and all function of corporate strategy will loss so the Nestle has unique services at time bases provide the better approach to customer. Key Employees: Key employees are backbone of company. Key employees has innovate new way to promote the production if the key employees provide the laziness services to customers or firm so the central point of firm will discard key employees have new ideas to product promotion and productivity. Financial and Operational Strategy: Financial and operational strategy has the blood value in Nestle firm financial activities give the better understanding how to use the finance in different ways if the financial in not insert in business at the time of nasality so it will collapse its business. Nestle firm has different sources to finance in business when it needed. The corporate strategy has define the different way in plan for collecting the financing form government and shareholders Human Resources Strategies: Human resources strategies provide the better use of resources of workers in the organization if the form or organization has no better strategies form worker so it will loss the major skillful property at the time of demand there are some human resources strategies that provide the better understanding to Nestle firm. Hiring the skillful employees Nestle firm has better hiring planning for skillful employees because this organization has more intelligent and efficient worker for better product if the worker or employees will understand working condition more it will have low chance to less productivity so the main aim in human resources in nestle firm hiring the skillful employees in the organization. Salaries Salary attracts employees very quickly if the salaries are less that the expectation form employees so they will turn over the firm and lay down the organization. So nestle human resources department provide the best salary package to their employees. Incentive Incentive pay by the firm time-to-time incentive is extra award to worker in their working this strategy allure the worker for more hardworking and over time. Bonuses Bonuses is pay at the specific time that provide by the firm this kind of allowance is on the profit organization and bonuses create the worth of workers in the firm. Firing of workers Human resources planning has another way to downsizing the staff this strategy happened when worker are in huge volume and the business in less then its boundary the firing of the worker is include loss productivity, time wasting, fun at the working time and low profit time. Job satisfaction Job satisfaction is also define in the range of human resources strategies job satisfaction means the right person at the right place if the worker is assign at the wrong the work will not done by the organization quality and it will provide the less productivity to firm so the Nestle human resources strategy assign the efficient worker at the right place. Job enrichment Job enrichment means what is the job providing to worker even in the shape of incentive of learning the working environment if the job provides the better satisfaction to their worker so it will call the enrichment of job. (C) Recommend changes that the chosen organization would need to make its human resource strategy if confront by the merger, acquisition, Strategic alliance and joint venture. Human resources strategies define the better sources for merge the organization in to other organization in the case of loss selling or in new form the merger of nestle is under below. Mergers of Nestle: Mergers of Nestle in market in Cadbury chocolate. Joint venture of Nestle: Nestle and Pillsbury recently formed a joint venture named Ice Cream Partners USA Strategic Alliance of Nestle: On the other hand, a strategic alliance between General Mills and Nestle, through a firm called Cereal Partners Worldwide (CPW). Acquisition of Nestle: Nestlà © has agreed to acquire Kraft Foods frozen pizza business in the US and Canada for USD 3.7 billion in cash. The business includes brands such as DiGiorno, Tombstone, California Pizza Kitchen, Jacks and Delissio. This frozen pizza business provides a new strategic pillar to Nestlà ©s frozen food portfolio in the US and Canada, where the Company has already established a leadership in prepared dishes and hand-held product categories under the Stouffers, Lean Cuisine, Buitoni, Hot Pockets and Lean Pockets brands. The acquisition brings leadership in the frozen pizza category, where Nestlà © only had a minor presence until now, and builds on Nestlà ©s existing pizza know-how and operations in Europe. It is a natural fit with Nestlà ©s focus on delivering convenient, premium, wholesome and nutritious frozen food for consumers around the world. The transaction is subject to US and Canadian regulatory approval and is expected to be completed in 2010 (2) Evaluate the organizational strategies for retention, recruitment, training and development Retention Recruitment Training and development (3) Critically review the purpose and benefit of performance appraisal and reward management including financial and non-financial reward. Performance appraisal Critical incidental method In Nestle firm the critical incidental method is complete image of worker through the different ideas and debates in which many incidental method use like when worker perform well in problematic situation. Weighted checklist Weighted checklist provides the weight of worker at the every task through this method many appraisal can be judged at annually basis. Graphic rating scale Graphic rating is converting form statically number it only take look at the graphic on perform level. Essay evaluation In essay evaluation the ability of worker can be judge by the written pages that is use for performance of the years. Performance rating Performance rating provide the annul, quarterly, and semi annual record this performance rating give the better idea of worker performance appraisal. Management by object MBO is other idea for performance appraisals in which the performance and management do every object take every step by object system and then define he worker performance. 360 degree performance appraisal 360 degree is scanning all the performance of employees at every level, which provide the complete image to performance appraisal. Force ranking Force ranking means how the authority workers control all the staff and how much efficient way he creates on its working environment. Behavioral observation scale Behavioral observation scale is consist at the attitude of worker in the more problem situation this kind of the appraisal can be judge at he complexities of workers. Reward management. Pay and compensation Pay and compensation means pay some finance to employees at some incident or accident in the case of medical and other even damages pay etc. Fixed level of pay Fixed level of pay in not very famous in the firm in this the chances of progress become less and the performance works to low. Reward link to performance. Reward link to performance means the better reward for efficient performance on this the reward management pay the reward in the shape of financial and non-financial system. Financial reward Wages and salaries Wages and salaries is basic reward to workers and worker work for the wages at the monthly and daily base. Fringe benefit Fringe benefit extra allowance like TADA and Car charges to their workers. Performance rate pay Performance rate pay apply the performance of worker if the worker perform the better act to more productivity so the Nestle pay the better advantages to performance like in the shape of finance. Profit sharing Profit sharing scheme is mostly in multinational company in which the profit is sharing in the form of bonus and other incentives. Share ownership Share ownership is another kind of financial reward system in which the higher management shares some profit or salaries in share ownership Nestle is multinational company and provide the facilities to their workers. Non financial reward Job enrichment Nestle human resources provide the facility to right person on right place so that can create the image in firm job enrichment. Job enlargement Job enlargement in nestle firm provide the large task and complexity to one worker its call job enlargement. Team working Team working reduces the complexity of work that may face by the individual workers. Nestle firm believe on team working because the diversification can reduce the problem of task. Empowerment Empowerments means provide the authority to one worker to hold on big task this kind of working usually involve enhancing the performance of worker.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 :: American America History

The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 The debate of the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 revealed bitter controversies on a number of issues. Most of the controversies had, however, arose even before these acts; as far back as the penning of the Constitution. The writers of the Constitution knew that as time proceeded, the needs and demands of the nation and of the people would change, leading to controversy. By not assigning specific powers to specific groups/parties, governments, they unintentionally created a vast problem in the years to come. Subsequently following the ratification of the constitution, two leading groups formed; the Federalists and the Antifederalists, each believing in exact opposite interpretations of the Constitution. The Federalist Party was headed by the newly appointed Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, who thought the interpretation of the Constitution should be very loose. Hamilton believed the Constitution encompassed powers other than those authorized or enumerated. These hidden powers, claimed Hamilton, were implied powers. Hamilton stated it would be essential that the federal government should gain control over any later added account to the nation. Significantly, Hamilton aspired to put these implied powers to use in requisition to build a powerful and domineering central government. In opposition to Hamilton?s Federalist Party, Jefferson who believed in strict interpretation of the Constitution. Jefferson anticipated that everything should be done through strict evaluation and a laws should abide by what is written. Although Jefferson was not a Federalist, he was also not an Antifederalist; he was a Democratic-Republican, a composite of the two. Jefferson vindicated that all powers not enumerated by the Constitution are obtained by the States. Issues between the two groups lead to the imperative question: should a strong central government be established or should each individual state have control? The attacks of the succeeding debate and public scurrility led to the Sedition Act. This act prohibited intermingling and conspiracy against the America government and the correspondence of scandalous and malicious writings against the government or its officials, under penalty of a fine or imprisonment. Succeeding the Sedition Act, the Republicans turned to the stat es arguing that federal government had strode past their powers; the powers delegated to it by the states through the Constitution. Therefore the states acquired the right to repeal the act. Another issue was what to do about the problem of immigration that rapidly increased after the Revolution.