Thursday, September 3, 2020

Professional Sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Elite athletics - Essay Example The investigation of the publicizing effort made it obvious that NHL’s â€Å"Inside the Warrior† crusade is a case of investigating the emergency manliness in the field of sports. The articles made it obvious that without the nearness of a manly character in sports, the accomplishment of that is a reason for concern. In the comparable milieu, the NHL’s achievement will be in question for open utilization, without the nearness of a manly figure. Various researchers have contended that the nearness of manly character is fundamental in each field in order to satisfy the targets and fill the need. In the expressions of Connell, 2005; Edwards, 2006; Messner, 1992, â€Å"MacInnes and different researchers inside sociological and social investigations recommend that men, both exclusively and by and large, are encountering an uprooting of male force/benefit with respect to their standard jobs in establishments, for example, legislative issues, work, instruction, and fam ily.† Despite a few writing discusses relating to the veracity, view, and likely impacts of an emergency of manliness stay uncertain. Whannel (1999) recommends, â€Å"Whether or not there is an emergency, there absolutely is a great deal of discuss one† (p. 254). In the following portion of the examination, a study of the article that depicts the effect of manliness emergency in the field of sports will be finished. Investigate At the start, I might want to illuminate the way that game is medium that gives man to demonstrate his manliness. I would not contrast the levels with which various games offer various degrees of manliness, yet what I might want to reveal insight upon is the pretended by hockey in exhibiting one’s manliness or the other way where an individual gets the chance to consider his manly capacity. I concur with the considerations set forward in the article that the visual portrayal as looks and appearance are critical. As referenced in the articl e that â€Å"The visual portrayals of men circled by the media, including those accessible through promoting and showcasing efforts, give benchmarks of manliness against which a few men measure themselves† obviously epitomizes the announcement made above is valid. Notwithstanding, the job of the special media is significant as they are the person who are answerable for making the picture of the games individual. On the opposite a decent picture consistently doesn't look like a manly picture and the topic of manly picture is likewise a subject of discussion among the researchers and professionals around the globe. Ostensibly, the different types of manliness depicted through publicizing can add to social developments of the emergency of manliness. As per my supposition manliness can be conceptualized in various structures and one of structures which I accept is the sportsperson’s capacity to engage the crowd. Henceforth I consent to the articles where it makes reference to manliness â€Å"involves influence of most of the populace, especially through the media, and the association of social foundations in manners that show up ‘

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Pakistan Electricity Solutions and Ongoing Projects Free Essays

Composed by: Afreen Baig http://economicpakistan. wordpress. com/2008/01/05/power/â€Å"History† After the development of the Hydro-Electric Tarbela Dam and the Mangla Dam, by General Ayub Khan and General Yahya Khan in the 1960’s, our legislatures neglected to consider and start significant power ventures. We will compose a custom article test on Pakistan Electricity: Solutions and Ongoing Projects or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now The maladroit administrations of PML-N and PPP, that despite everything see themselves as indispensable to equitable discourse inside the territories, neglected to make exchange inside areas, on the most significant issue confronting Pakistan’s vitality endurance †the Kalabagh Dam. Their legislatures neglected to anticipate the future development and vitality necessities. As of late the legislature of PPP has scratched the undertaking by and large. â€Å"Unexpected Economic Boom Energy Consumption in the last 10 years† Pakistan’s $75 billion economy blasted into a $160 billion economy, with the utilization of gas, power and coal expanding YEARLY to a normal pace of 7. 8 percent, 5. 1 percent and 8. 8 percent, individually. The quantity of power buyers developed from 15. 9 million of every 2005-06 to 16. 7 million out of 2007, demonstrating a development of around 70 percent in the course of the most recent 10 years. The significant Energy utilization segments of the nation are: Industrial (38. percent), Transport (32. 8 percent), Residential and Commercial (25 percent), Agriculture (2. 5 percent) and others (2. 2 percent). As respects Electricity, the Household area has been the biggest customer in the course of the most recent 10 years, on normal expending 44. 8 percent, trailed by Industrial division (29. 4 percent), Agriculture (12. 2 percent), Commercial area (5. 9 percent), Street lights (10. 6 percent), the authorities state. â€Å"Record Sales of Electronic Items† Recently, we got uplifting news from Pakistan Haier. In May, Pakistan Haier made new RECORD forced air system, cooler month to month yield. The deal volume arrived at untouched high, the year-on-year deal increment of Air-conditioner, Refrigerator, Washing machine, Micro wave and TV are 136%, 58%, 180%, 210% and 106% separately. Essentially, numerous other Electronic Companies have made record deals. â€Å"Projects executed and under Construction† The principal unit of 290-megawatt of Ghazi Brotha Hydel Project (GBHP) went into activity in June 2003, and contributed around 50mw of power to the national lattice. Four additional units were included each quarter, and by 2004 the GBHP was contributing 1,450 mw. Atomic force plant Chashma-2, will before long please line, and will add another 300MW to the national framework. Mangla Dam uprising will give another 644 GWh of intensity. Gomal Zam Dam is under conclusive phase of development, and upon consummation it will create 17. 4MW In 1999, our introduced limit was only 15,860 MW. (With Hydel 4826 + Thermal 10,897 + Nuclear 137) In 2005-06, our introduced limit expanded to become 20,495 MW. (With Hydel 6499 + Thermal 13,534 + Nuclear 462) â€Å"Concrete ventures under the PML-Q Government† President Pervez Musharraf propelled the Rs 130 billion (US 2. 6 billion) Neelum-Jhelum Hydroelectric task planned for delivering 969 MW power. Work on 11 tasks with an aggregate force age limit of more than 12,000MW would begin by 2009. These tasks incorporate Bunji (5,400MW), Dasu (4,000MW), Kohala (1,100MW), Spatgah and Palas Valley (1,230MW). Wind and Solar Technology: Pakistan is looking to investigate elective wellsprings of vitality creation and use Wind and sun based innovations with the mean to deliver 9,700 MW wind power by 2030, in this manner giving power to 7,874 off-lattice towns in Sindh and Baluchistan. 25 breeze water siphoning frameworks have been introduced in Balochistan. More than 140 miniaturized scale wind turbines of 500 Watts each are operational in Sindh and Balochistan, giving power to 691 houses in 18 remote, off-matrix towns. Hydel Power: The administration is giving top need to Hydel power with the capability of delivering 40,000 MW Power of which just 15 percent had been misused up until now. In 2001, the Water and Power Development Authority of Pakistan distinguished 22 destinations for propelling Hydropower undertakings to satisfy the ever-expanding need for modest force. It demonstrated that around 15,074 mw could be produced on the consummation of these undertakings, which would likewise meet the water system necessities for the developing horticulture segment. Pakistan Sugar Mills: Association (PSMA) has educated the administration that sugar plants can deliver 2,000MW of power in the following five years. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission: (PAEC) has chosen to set up an Engineering Design Organization (EDO) for the indigenous advancement of atomic force plants (NPPs) in the nation. The PAEC educated specialists that it was wanting to include about 1,260MW through Hydel power, 880MW from Alternate vitality, 4,860MW from Gas, 900MW from Coal and 160MW from Oil by 2010. The Karachi Electric Supply Corporation (KESC) is putting resources into another 220-megawatt power plant that will help control the force deficiencies in the city, said. The plant will begin creating 192MW by March and the staying 28MW will begin being conveyed by December 2008. Thar Coal: The legislature has chosen to build up the Thar coal for power age on a need premise to defeat vitality emergency following. Out of six different organizations that inked MoU with concern specialists to build up coal power ventures; two organizations have begun penetrating work in their individual zones. Affirmed gauges that its stores were comparable to at any rate 850 Trillion Cubic Feet (TCF) of gas †around multiple times higher than Pakistan’s demonstrated gas stores of 28 TCF. By utilizing just 2% of the current coal holds, we can produce around 20,000 MW (20 GW) for right around 40 years These appraisals were affirmed by isolated bankable possibility contemplates directed by Chinese and Russian specialists. 85 Billion Tons of coal stores in Pakistan were second just to 247 Billion Ton saves in the United States and a lot higher than 157 and 115 Billion Ton stores of Russia and China, individually. Thar coal saves were comparable to at any rate 400 Billion Barrels of oil †identical to oil stores of Saudi Arabia and Iran set up. One gauge puts Pakistan’s coal vitality at 576 Bil lion Barrels of oil which is equal to the consolidated oil stores of the 3 biggest makers. The legislature is wanting to set up 5,000-megawatt power age offices utilizing coal as fuel inside next not many years. â€Å"Ongoing Power Projects† The Ongoing Power Projects for which portions have been made in 2007-08 Budget, are Mangla Dam Raising Project (Rs 20 billion), Mirani Dam (Rs 500 million), Sabakzai Dam (Rs 200 million), Kurram Tangi Dam (Rs 2. 84 billion), Sadpara Multipurpose Dam Rs (900 million), Gomal Zam Dam (Rs 1. 8 billion), the Greater Thal Canal Phase I (Rs 8. 5 billion), the Greater Thal Canal Phase II (Rs 2. billion), development of 20 little dams in NWFP (Rs 870 million), Bhasha/Diamer Dam (Rs 500 million), Khan-Khawar hydro venture (Rs 1. 3 billion), Dubir Khawar hydro venture (Rs 2. 1 billion), transmission plans for power dispersal of Ghazi Barotha (Rs 1. 67 billion) and Neelam-Jhelum hydro venture (Rs 10 billion). New activities for the following monetary year incorporate the Sukkur Barrage Rehabilitation and Improvement venture (Rs 100 million) , Akhori Dam PC I (Rs 200 million), development of Jaban Hydroelectric Power Station and Jaban Hydroelectric Power Station (Rs 40 million). Forthcoming Immediate Projects† Three rental force houses would begin producing 1,067 megawatts of power by end of year 2008, separately. Understandings had been marked with China to build up power plants at Nandipur and Chichu ki Malian, and tenders had been given for two 500MW force plants at Dadu and Faisalabad which would be controlled by gas and heater oil. A 800MW force plant would be set up at Guddu. (c) ECONOMIC PAKISTAN and PRESIDENT MUSHARRAF http://economicpakistan. wordpress. com/2008/01/05/power/http://presidentmusharraf. wordpress. com/ The most effective method to refer to Pakistan Electricity: Solutions and Ongoing Projects, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

Theme for English B- Langston Hughes Essays

Topic for English B-Langston Hughes Essays Topic for English B-Langston Hughes Essay Topic for English B-Langston Hughes Essay While composing a paper for his English class, Langston Hughes, the main African American in the class, investigates equity in a surge of cognizant, three passage sonnet. In â€Å"Theme for English B,† Hughes communicates that all races impact one another and ought to be dealt with and thought about equivalent as Americans. Hughes talks about the likenesses between the various races in America and composes his paper addressing if â€Å"its that simple† to defeat isolation issues. In the wake of recounting his African American foundation, Hughes recounts his inclinations and pastimes. He enjoys basic and all inclusive things, for example, eating, resting, drinking, working, perusing, and learning. Hughes shares his inclinations to show that his preferences are not peculiar or not the same as a common Whites interests. Hughes shows the likenesses since he accepts that if two men have all the earmarks of being the equivalent, they ought to be equivalent regardless of the shade of their skin. On the off chance that both a Black and White man like to learn, they ought to compare one another and have the option to acquire a similar tutoring, as indicated by Hughes. Hughes likewise makes reference to he gets a kick out of the chance to â€Å"understand life. His paper examines life and his comprehension of Americans as a race in itself, without a shading deciding how â€Å"American† an individual is. His need to comprehend life shows Hughes inclination to think further than the shallow importance of things. In any case, as a general rule, Blacks and Whites didn' t have a similar economic wellbeing, subsequently Hughes question â€Å"I wonder if its that simple† to accomplish fairness. Hughes progresses forward and insinuates his music determination to show his believability regarding the matter of isolation. He tunes in to â€Å"Bessie, bop, or Bach. Hughes tuning in to Bessie Smith, a Blues artist, shows Hughes African preference for music while Bach, a German writer, shows Hughes very much refined side. Hughes not just likes run of the mill music generalized with his race, yet music that would be considered â€Å"White† or â€Å"higher class† music. Hughes enthusiasm for Bach passes on that Hughes is taught and offering wise remarks on how he sees society and its racial issues. Hughes music decision encourages add validity to his paper. Hughes just inquiries why superfluous isolation exists in America when all races entwine. All through the sonnet, Hughes acclimates the races with each other. Hughes again interweaves races through his linguistic structure in â€Å"I hear you: hear you, hear me we two you, me, chat on this page. † The redundancy of words and consonants that sound the same makes the sentence run together, as though to represent the various races â€Å"running together† as one. The grammar makes the peruser falter and spotlight on the sentence. Hughes needs to show that he hears others and needs others to hear him out and the thoughts he has. Both the Whites and himself â€Å"talk on [a] page† for this class and Hughes utilizes this to show the association between the two. Hughes likewise says this to pass on that the two races can â€Å"hear† one another. They don't communicate in various dialects and can flawlessly speak with each other. Hughes shows the correspondence as another closeness between the two races, emphasizing that the two ought to be equivalent. Hughes inquires as to whether his page will be hued such as himself. He endeavors to show his instructor the difficulties in consummation isolation. In spite of the way that Hughes uncovers every one of these certainties about the similitudes between the two races, his page won't be valid partition despite everything exists. Hughes includes that his paper will â€Å"be a piece of you, instructor,† telling his educator that his paper has important exercises and essentialness. Hughes needs to impact his White instructor as a Black understudy, proceeding with the interracial learning as Hughes might suspect this connections â€Å"Americans† together and equivalent. The two races interface despite the fact that hues show in an unexpected way. Hughes understands that despite the fact that his page came â€Å"out of him,† it won't be genuine like his instructor said.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Ishmaels Story A Fragmented Bildungsroman - Literature Essay Samples

In David Guterson’s award-winning 1994 novel Snow Falling on Cedars, the story centers around the murder trial of Kabuo Miyamoto, using the testimony as a vehicle to tell a multigenerational story about the island’s fraught history from the perspective of many different characters. With each testimony and flashback, the reader gets a small, fractured piece of each character’s identity and personal history that they must stitch together to create a holistic profile of the character. For some, the sum of these pieces is large, painting a thorough picture of the character’s identity and growth. For others, the reader are given mere wisps of information. Throughout the book, the character who gets arguably the most time and development dedicated to his story is a figure whose connection to the trial, at least at the beginning, seems merely tangential: Ishmael Chambers, the reporter. Through fragmented pieces of testimony, flashback, and dialogue, Gutterson tel ls a rich, holistic, and arcing story of Ishmael’s coming-of-age from ten years old to his mid-thirties. In this way, the novel becomes a sort of fragmented bildungsroman about Ishmael and his eternal quest to â€Å"recognize his place in the world† (Howe). Though Ishmael gets his full story told, it is by no means the novel’s only story different from usual coming-of-age stories which tend to focus on the linear development of a single character. Instead, Guterson integrates Ishmael’s bildungsroman into the drama of the trial and mingles it with many other stories, showing that everyone’s journey however personal or individualistic it may be is ultimately connected to everyone elses and it’s stakes often reach far beyond our own stories. Traditionally, a bildungsroman novels focuses on the linear development of character’s moral, intellectual, and psychological selves as they come to â€Å"recognize their place in the world† (Howe). However, Guterson chooses to introduce Ishmael towards the end of his trajectory at a time when he seems bitterly, but ambiguously rejecting of any community as his â€Å"place† and instead works (somewhat-sporadically) backwards, detailing Ishmael’s cyclical uptake and loss of community and place in the world. As readers, we are first introduced to Ishmael in his reprised role as a journalist, one he has inherited from his father. Within his hometown, doing his father’s job, Ishmael finds comfort in the protective, secluded unity of Amity Harbor a place where he could be â€Å"one of them.† However, Ishmael still seems to carry a nagging sense of dissatisfaction, constantly reminded that San Piedro is not â€Å"where he wants to be† and perturbed by feelings of exclusion from the fisherman-camaraderie that exists for most other men on the island. The origins of this placelessness seem originally ambiguous but gain clarity with the first revelation (or rather, more detailed description) about Ishmael’s past: he is a veteran. Drawing back into the past, Guterson blames Ishmael’s inability to â€Å"emulate his father† or find â€Å"his place† within the community of journalists â€Å"on this matter of the war—this matter of the arm he’d lost.† In doing so, however, Guterson ironically places Ishmael in his first (or last, if we are thinking chronologically) community, one of veterans, even if it is a community defined by â€Å"disturbedcynicism† and the sense of something missing. After moving backwards into the past order to give the reader a shallow understanding of Ishmael’s bitter origins, Guterson switches tacts and starts from the beginning: ten year old Ishmael meeting ten year old Hatsue. Here is where the bildungsroman truly begins to take shape. Classically, these coming-of-age stories feature their main character as stuck within an â€Å"unbending social order† and mark the developmental spark of a character’s internal conflict, usually regarding their decision to strive against these constructs (Howe). Bonding with Hatsue over their shared love of the ocean, Ishmael timidly pushes the boundaries of the island’s tense race-relations and feels â€Å"a knot of pressure building inside him† the brewing conflict between his growing love for Hatsue and â€Å"the judgments enforced by the [island’s] unbending social order† that separate the Japanese from the white people (Howe). In a decision that could be called his bildungsroman Call (an action against the social order that spurs the character on their journey towards spiritual or psychological growth), Ishmael kisses Hatsue and â€Å"decides then that he would love her forever no matter what came to pass..despite [his worry] that this kiss was wrong.† This decision marks the beginning of a long romance between the two, at once childishly â€Å"gentle† and dangerously clandestine. Inside of their cedar tree, Ishmael finds his first â€Å"place in the world.† Despite the rebellious, intense nature of Ishmael’s relationship with Hatsue, however, this period of time functions less as the maturation stage of Ishmaels Bildungsroman and more as an extension of his â€Å"hero’s call.† Unlike Hatsue, Ishmael remains naively ignorant of the true impracticality of their relationship and instead enshrines it with an immature sense of romantic, beautiful rebellion. As a result of this idealism, when Hatsue is forced into the internment camps and ends her relationship with Ishmael, he is met with bitter, profound disappointment that sets him on a new path of heightened emotional complexity (another common characteristic of bildungsroman novels). This moment serves as a turning point for Ishmael into a stage of long-suffering â€Å"maturation,† characterized by a sense of internal anguish as he attempts reconcile his love for Hatsue and his resentment of her, his desire to live up to his fathers journalistic integrity and his desire to be angry, his belief in universal unfairness and in personal responsibility. Joining the army and losing his arm (an event that he indirectly blames Hatsue for, curing â€Å"that Jap bitch†), begging a married-Hatsue to â€Å"hold him,† and failing to survive school in seattle, Ishmael evolves into the bitter, morally ambiguous person we meet in the beginning of the novel. Now, however, the rea der understands that the war is not the cause of Ishmael’s internal unrest. Hatsue is. His missing arm is but an emblem for his missing love. Neither protestants nor advice swaying Ishmael from this state, it seems that he would anguish away in this state of emotional limbo had it not been for the information he discovered proving Kabuo’s innocence. This discovery serves as a pivotal moment in Ishmaels bildungsroman, forcing him to decide once and for all whether to scorn Hatsue or save her. Ultimately, spurred on by a reminder of Hatsue’s former love and faith in his â€Å"largeheart,† Ishmael cycles back to his Call stage and chooses to be the romantic,rebel, hero he built himself up as once again. This time, though, it comes not from a naive belief that he can be with Hatsue, but from a genuine desire to be the â€Å"gentle and kind† person â€Å"who will do great things,† for Hatsue, for his father, and (finally) for himself. Focusing on Ishmael, it is easy to become swept up in his rich and dynamic character arch, seeing every other relationship and event in the novel as somehow a tangential component of this central story. Ultimately, however, Guterson’s choice to include such a well-developed bildungsroman within the larger vignette-style narrative of the trial serves an important point: Ishmael’s coming of age though deeply-personal and largely an internal shift affects everyone around him. Traditionally, bildungsromans and hero-epics follow a single character, focusing on how their choices affect their own trajectory. Little is said about what they leave in their wakes. In Ishmael’s case, however, his pivotal decision to hand in the information is not just a moment of personal revelation but a choice that can, quite literally, determine whether another man lives or dies. For every moment we watch Ishmael pine over Hatsue, we see her embroiled in her own internal conflict of sha me, confusion, and conflicting cultural expectations that he seems entirely ignorant of. As Ishmael vacillates between a racist hatred for the Japanese and an simultaneous urge to defend them, we watch San Piedro’s Japanese population struggle to navigate these same blurred lines. This ironically becomes Ishmael’s primary character flaw and source of his immaturity: he sees his life as a bildungsroman. Within this mindset, he allows himself to make decisions out of hatred, unrequited love, and desperation as though these choices are mere building blocks of personal development and fails, time and again, to see the implications these choices have on the people around him. In his sweeping novel Snow Falling On Cedars, which spans generations and shares the often conflicting stories many different characters, Guterson paints an intimate and detailed picture of San Piedro Island and it’s fraught history. Among each of the narrative’s given for each of the characters, Ishmael’s story stands out. It is both longer and more detailed than the rest (except maybe for Hatsue’s) and unlike any of the other narratives, it details dynamic and powerful character growth. As Ishmael grows from a naive, idealist young boy into a bitter, conflicted man and finally, in the end, into a more balanced, mature, and fulfilled person, his story takes on the trajectory of a bildungsroman. However, unlike the traditional coming-of-age novel in which the focus remains fixed on its main character, Snow Falling on Cedars explores the impact Ishmael’s internal story has on the world around him. Ultimately, it demonstrates that no matter how indivi dualistic, how solipsistic our personal journeys may seem, they are inevitably entangled within the stories of everyone around us.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

My Hot Family Vacation Essay - 512 Words

A few minutes before we landed at the airport, I looked at the screen in front of me and it showed ‘33 °C’. It had been a year since I last experienced that kind of heat and I couldn’t bear it last time, so I wondered how I would cope with the heat this time. As the plane began to slow and turn into terminal, I could hear people around me start to get there belongings together so that they could get off the plane first. People returned the magazines to the rack on the back of the chair in front of them and I turned off my iPod and put it back in my bag. When I took my headphones out, I felt like I was back in the real world now as I had been concentrating on listening to music for hours. It seemed like time was going slower and slower†¦show more content†¦When I finally had my passport stamped and got my luggage, I made my way towards the arrivals hall. The number of people didn’t change but in fact looked like more, probably because the hall str etched out from one end to another. I slowly pulled along my suitcase as I met my uncle and I followed him to his car. On the way there, we went in a lift which was full of people. As soon as the door opened, the heat hit me. It was like putting a hot iron in front of my face. But it felt even worse as there was a slight wind which pushed the heat towards me. My body was surrounded in a blanket of heat and I even started to sweat slightly. My uncle told me to wait by the lift as he went to collect the car so I wouldn’t have to walk as far and drag my suitcase along. While I waited, I took time to look around at the surroundings. I could see mountains which stretched towards the clouds and the airport behind me. There were a vast number of people walking around from their flight looking drowsy and with no energy. The frequent red double-decker bus also came and a few planes flew above my head. I didn’t even have to look, but I could hear the planes departing and arriving. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Accounting And Payroll Application Software Packages Essay

The accounting software, is a computer software that records and processes accounting transactions within practical components such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll and trial balance. The software may be developed by the organization using it, may be purchased from a third party or may be a combination of both. Today’s packaged accounting software not only records financial transactions and produce accounting reports, but they include functionality for managerial decision making aimed at gaining competitive advantage. (Collins, 2006). Many of the accounting software products have add-ons that can be used to integrate the software with other software. For example, Intuit, offers add-ons that a third party can mix with QuickBooks. Almost all the accounting software have a broad customer base, which is good for small businesses. Accounting and payroll application software packages are the most extensively used packages among small businesses. However, when it comes to adopting a computer system to manage their accounts, small businesses are at crossroads. The problem is, which one of the ever-increasing brands in the market is suitable for them? If they already have one, should they upgrade it to a new system? Can they afford it? Are there any risks? There are all questions that the business asks itself before they even consider any software. The focus of this research is only on the implementation stage of the software. And the focus is from the point ofShow MoreRelatedSoftware Analysis1630 Words   |  7 PagesIn the preliminary research for applications that may fit best for our envisioned project, we came across 10 solid candidates. These candidates are a mix of very well-known apps as well as other apps that are starting to make a name in the industry but have a very good potential. The candidates are QuickBooks, FreshBooks, Xero, Officewise, Kashoo, Patriot Accounting, SlickPie, Clear Books Accounting, Zoho, and Wave. 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Report for Brand Marketing of Coca Cola and Brand Storytelling

Question: Describe about the Report for Brand Marketing of Coca Cola and Brand Storytelling. Answer: Introduction According to Greenfield (2016), when it comes to advertising, Coca-Cola Company not only did introduce its products over the years but also it has recognized itself as a popular brand name among the youth culture. Its first slogan "Drink Coca-Cola", a very simple one was aired in 1886, and the trend still continues today, with the current slogan being "Taste the Feeling". Its slogans are a testament to the evolution of products, the companys theme shifting between love, friendship, brotherhood and happiness (Hansen, 2016). This case study takes one instance of Coca-Cola advertisement, details the storyline and analyses it from the perspective of viewers and their reactions to it. The factors and techniques are then next discussed taking into account the various content creation plans the company undertakes to create an engaging content which has the potential to go viral. It includes dynamic storytelling, making conversations, creating liquid content, content linking, and bold and creative content approach. The conclusion is drawn from the findings and explained along with relevant reasons. Advertisement analysis of Coca-Cola Story In one advertisement, it shows a supermarket located under a bridge somewhere in India. The weather was sunny but hot. A guy with a good physique and in his twenties enters a supermarket wearing a sweatshirt. The supermarket primarily seems to have stocked Coca-Cola in most of its refrigerators, and the cashier was wearing a red and white uniform, similar to the companys color scheme. He asks if there is any cold drink in the store. The cashier, a young girl, pointed the guy to the shelves where the soft drinks are located. She notices him in the security camera, takes the fancy of his likeliness and increases the fan speed. When the guy starts drinking, the girl turns up the fan on her side too, closes her eyes and tries to emulate the feeling of that guy. He presents his empty bottle on the desk; the girl gets jolted out of her dream, but she offers another bottle to the guy, insisting him to drink again. The guy reluctantly finishes the second drink as well, while the girl with he r head resting on the table still had a dreamy look in her eyes and a smile indicating she does not want this to end. The ad finishes with the Coca-Cola icon along with the slogan Taste the Feeling on the bottom (Popescu Otelea, 2015). Viewer Response As stated by Li (2015), the advertisement is clearly targeted to the youth of the current generation and is meant to instill a sense of lust, attraction, and desire to the target demographic, while portraying a cheerful mood throughout. The actors in the advertisement are both very young and are in their twenties. Seeing two young people in love is how the viewers will be able to relate themselves (Foster, 2012). Since the guy is a recognized actor from the Bollywood Industry and is quite popular among the young demographic in India, therefore the video will instantly appeal to most Indian viewers. Love and Friendship is a recurring theme among many advertisements and Coca-Cola often more than uses it and are in line with the motto of the company (Nelson Deshpande, 2013). Coca Colas mission statements are, to inspire moments of happiness and optimism, refresh the world and to bring about a difference by creating values (Logan Tindall, 2014). Techniques Used As opined by Hamilton (2015), to achieve the required emotional trigger response, the ad used the companys color scheme liberally everywhere in the video from the uniform to the product shelves. A warm color scheme used to depict a hot and sunny day, which also doubles up as feelings of happiness. Television advertisements of 30 second do no longer attract audiences of the 21st century, and the mass media now prefers shorter stories. Few factors the company took into account while making this video are Creating a liquid content it means to create a viral content which will be easily shared by social media, and its popularity will spread by word of mouth (Nguyen Nguyen, 2015). Making sure the content is linked the ideas explored in the content needs to be relevant and are in aligning with the company's brand, business objectives, and customer interests. Through this advert, the company is successful in exploring the themes it wants to communicate and spread (Wang, 2015). Making conversations consumers will provide feedback to the story in various social medias if the idea of the content clicks with them (Liu Lopez, 2016). Dynamic Story Telling As stated by Du Plessis (2015), one-way storytelling is pass now, and a company looking for its business growth needs to go through dynamic storytelling. This means the story can be evolved as the company interacts with customers and visitors in many mediums. Coca-Cola does this by billboard posters, fliers, etc. taking images and relevant dialogues from the story. Brave and creative approach to the content creation Coca Cola approaches new ideas in an advertisement by following 70/20/10 strategy. 70% of content is of low risk which means the company uses the tried and tested formula which was previously successful. 20% of the content is an innovating idea to check if it would work, and rest 10% is high-risk ideas which if successful, can be tomorrow's 20% or 70% (Gupta, 2015). Findings The advertisement does not depict the reality because of many reasons. The advertisements shows the fantasies of normal human to make them feel more attractive. It shows the young cashier flirting with the guy and is quite open in showing her feelings, which is not at all professional on her part and neither does that happen in real life, as Indian women are much shyer. She was wearing a red and white colored uniform, a direct reference to Coca Colas color scheme, which implies she is someone from the company endorsing its products. The supermarket seemed to have liberal stocks of Coca-Cola soft drinks. Yellow hue is used throughout the video because it translates to a cheerful and positive mood, and is a tried and tested formula in many movies. It is purely a fantasy video geared towards the teenagers, but it did not try to portray it realistically either. It is successful in conjuring up feelings of lust and attraction between sexes of opposite gender and giving it a happy ending w hich will resonate with the viewers. Conclusion This study is one such instance of many advertisements of Coca Cola, and this company is chosen because of its long culture and history with its products. The short story that has been explained tells about the instant love and attraction between a girl and a guy in a supermarket store, over a serving of the companys soft drink, appeals to most viewers of the Indian demographic. Following the companys marketing and content creation strategies, the story is analyzed from those perspectives, and is found that the advertisement needs to be short, the potential of being viral, and should have an engaging story and theme in aligning with the company's objectives. The objective of the company must be satisfied for ensuring the developmental perspective of the organization. Establishment of brand image supplies value to the brand name. Coca Cola is one of the biggest soft drinks manufacturers among their competitors, which creates their brand value within the competitive market. The conclus ion is drawn from the findings and is stated to be full of teenage fantasy and unrealistic compared to real life. References Du Plessis, C. (2015). Brand storytelling: the case of Coca-Cola's Journey Corporate Website. Foster, R. J. (2012). Coca Globalization. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Greenfield, S. (2016). Giving the Global High Sign: Coca-Cola Advertising of the American Way in Life Magazine, 1941-1947. Gupta, V. (2015). Content Marketing: Say Something; Say It Well; Say It Often. Hamilton, J. M. (2015). The EKOCENTER: A Case Study in Coca-Cola, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Bluewashing (Doctoral dissertation, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA). Hansen, J. T. (2016). Constructing a Product Brand Identity: The Case of Coca-Cola. Liu, Y., Lopez, R. A. (2016). The impact of social media conversations on consumer brand choices. Marketing Letters, 27(1), 1-13. Logan, N., Tindall, N. T. (2014). 10 Coca-Cola, Community, Diversity, and Cosmopolitanism. 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