Sunday, May 17, 2020

My Hot Family Vacation Essay - 512 Words

A few minutes before we landed at the airport, I looked at the screen in front of me and it showed ‘33 °C’. It had been a year since I last experienced that kind of heat and I couldn’t bear it last time, so I wondered how I would cope with the heat this time. As the plane began to slow and turn into terminal, I could hear people around me start to get there belongings together so that they could get off the plane first. People returned the magazines to the rack on the back of the chair in front of them and I turned off my iPod and put it back in my bag. When I took my headphones out, I felt like I was back in the real world now as I had been concentrating on listening to music for hours. It seemed like time was going slower and slower†¦show more content†¦When I finally had my passport stamped and got my luggage, I made my way towards the arrivals hall. The number of people didn’t change but in fact looked like more, probably because the hall str etched out from one end to another. I slowly pulled along my suitcase as I met my uncle and I followed him to his car. On the way there, we went in a lift which was full of people. As soon as the door opened, the heat hit me. It was like putting a hot iron in front of my face. But it felt even worse as there was a slight wind which pushed the heat towards me. My body was surrounded in a blanket of heat and I even started to sweat slightly. My uncle told me to wait by the lift as he went to collect the car so I wouldn’t have to walk as far and drag my suitcase along. While I waited, I took time to look around at the surroundings. I could see mountains which stretched towards the clouds and the airport behind me. There were a vast number of people walking around from their flight looking drowsy and with no energy. The frequent red double-decker bus also came and a few planes flew above my head. I didn’t even have to look, but I could hear the planes departing and arriving. 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